You can double your donation to Avenue941 in support of Title 1 public school students and their families that we serve during the 2024 Giving Challenge starting at 12pm on April 9th through 12pm on April 10th.
Read below for more information or if you’re ready to donate, click here.
What is The Giving Challenge?

The Community Foundation of Sarasota hosts this exciting online giving day that connects nearly 700 nonprofit organizations with passionate donors and community members to support diverse causes and create enduring impact in Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, and DeSoto counties.
To strengthen giving throughout our community, The Patterson Foundation will contribute a 1:1 match for unique donations, up to $100 per donor, per nonprofit organization. There is no limit on the number of unique individual matches a nonprofit organization can receive.
Since 2012, the Giving Challenge has acted as a catalyst for connection and provided more than $75 million in unrestricted funding over eight challenges. During the 2022 Giving Challenge, our community reached out with a remarkable outpouring of support, raising $16.2 million in just 24 hours.

Multiply Your Impact!
Many students in Manatee County struggle in school, and often go home to a family situation that does not provide optimal support for learning and inspiration. Educational statistics in the county are grim. Generational poverty and parents who are struggling themselves often leave these students very little hope for their future or inspiration to better their circumstances.
At the same time…
There are over 300 churches in Manatee County, and only 53 local neighborhoods. Churches can provide safe spaces, electricity, running water and wifi which makes it a perfect space for students to hang out after school and get support with their work. These churches have facilities that are within walking distance of schools and homes in their communities, and are not in use during weekday afternoons. These neighborhood churches also have a potential volunteer base eager to bring those in the community in to their facilities, assist them educationally, and spiritually.
Avenue 941’s goal is to break the cycle of generational poverty and illiteracy by:
Providing tutoring and mentoring programs in neighborhood churches
Increasing student reading rates
Decreasing school dropout rates
Keeping teenagers off the streets and out of jail

Join Us!
Will you join us? The Giving Challenge is not just about financial contributions. With your gift, you are giving hope to students throughout Manatee County.
Here is how to double the difference you make through the Giving Challenge:
Between 12 p.m. on April 9th and 12 p.m. on April 10th, go to
Type “Avenue941” in the search bar or click here.
Enter an amount between $25-$100.
Click “Donate” to double the impact of your gift!
To stay updated on the latest developments and join the conversation, follow #GivingChallenge2024 and #BeTheOne on social media.