Join us as we seek to have a site in every neighborhood in Manatee County and the 941 region.

There are over 300 churches in Manatee County and only 53 neighborhoods.
Partnership FAQs
No. Avenue941 presents the need to the church and the church can decide IF/HOW MUCH they are able to contribute. God ALWAYS meets the need. Avenue941 as a non-profit raises funds and writes grants to help cover the cost of site operations to help the church fulfill its mission.
We have on average 12-15 students at any location. We can serve up to 30 students at any location, but must have a minimum of 3-5 volunteers to support those numbers.
The minimum number of days that is required to work with students is 2days/week. If funds/staff/volunteers are available, a church could host students 5days/week
Space, WiFi, access to bathrooms, 3-5 volunteers, partnership in prayer and mission, help identify the site facilitator if possible as a church member we can train and pay
No. Volunteers can serve for one hour or as long as they like. It just needs to be communicated to the site facilitator and there need to be 3-5 volunteers during each hour total.